domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016

Philosophy, myth and science

In the first unit we have learnt about philosophy, myth and science. Now I want your opinion about which of this ways of thinking is better. Come on, let's write!

22 comentarios:

  1. From my point of view, the best branch of thinking to follow is t
    science since it allows you to believe just in things we have certainty they exist and expand your mind with new discoverments. However, myth is also a great one because it allows you to think in a different way following the faith and philosophy gives you the chance to open your mind in different fields. To sum up, these three are correct but, I prefer using the scientific method

  2. In my opinion, I think science is a little better than myths because science is something almost certain, that we see every day and that we can check for ourselves, and myths are stories of ancestors that are being told of generation in generation.
    Finally, myths and science are very good branches of thinking, but I prefer science.

  3. In my opinion, as well as my classmates i think science is the best way of thinking because with science you can know almost everything with certain credibility. It's true that myths tell us situations about the past but i don't believe too much in them. Philosophy is someting different to the previous ones because it's a way to open your mind to many possibilities.
    These three are correct but i prefer science.

  4. I think that same as my classmaters because science is more certain than myths.
    Science is something that people have been studied for a long time to show that science can say things for sure if they are true or false because are histories that are told generations after generatios

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. In my opinion all of this items have a real part depending from the person who think about it.
    On one hand people who are Philosphers probably think that Phylosophy it's a good option, they see the world from a different way and they are always questioning things.
    Myths are traditional leyens that aren't true. They can explain us the meaning from things that are around us but not with total certainty.
    For finally science it's diferent than the other ones because science have been proved and studied. It's based in physical aspects. Personally I think that they extract the solution with more certainty.
    In conclusion, Science is more precise and exact than the others branches.

  7. Philosophy is the best way of thinking. It cultivates our reasoning ability and make us more humans ( not better persons) I refer to humans with both behaviour: good and bad. Without philosophy we're like robots, we live cause we have to live, without cuestionating things and in my opinion this is an empty way of life, the life's sense is: Stop, think and rethink.

  8. As I see it, science is the best best method of thinking, due to the fact that in it proof is essential to determine whether things are true or false. It is true, however, that the other two ways of thinking have had a significant impact on our society as well.
    Myths were the only ways our ancestors had to explain the things they couldn't understand without a scientific basic, such as meteorological phenomena or illnesses, making gods responsible for these acts.
    Philosophy is based on questioning things so as to find a meaning for them through reasoning. This way of thinking is really useful for humans to get to a possible answer to questions whose answer is unknown for us. A good example is to think about whether destiny exists or not. You can support either of these sides, but you can't give solid proof to demonstrate which one it better. This would be the main reason as to why I prefer Science over philosophy, because philosophy bases on the questions, rather than the answers, which are mostly based on opinion, while science gets answers through getting solid proof by investigating and experimenting.

  9. From my point of view, science is the best way of thinking. We use it in our daily life for discovering and proving things around us. Science is more certain than for example myths, because they were told in the past and you can trust or not, but science is a branch which we can use to check if it's true, but you cannot check if myths are true. I think the better branches are science and philosophy, because with philosophy we are what we are. It cultivates our minds and make us think about important questions that appears around us. But I still think that science is the best of all.
    Carmen García, 1ºA

  10. I think the best way of thinking is philosophy and later on science because what you do the first is to think about something and after you've though about it you can try to prove it by science.

  11. In my opinion, I think science is the best way of thinking. Unlike myth, which refers to an invented story in which extraordinary beings appear, science tries to describe the real causes and mechanisms that provoke these phenomena. Both philosophy and science have many branches and make use of reasoning, questioning and analysis. Both try to explain situations and find answers. Philosophy explains it through the use of logical argumentation, while science uses empirical data. The difference is that explanations of philosophy are based on principled arguments, while science attempts to explain based on the results of experiments, observable facts and objective evidence.
    For this reason I think that the best way of thinking is science, it uses its scientific methodology and is able to acquire more knowledge due to experimentation and observation.

  12. I think that science is the best method if you want proves of something you think about, but for me, philosophy is the best one as there is no better way to create your own opinion or belief of aught,I know science has improved a lot of things of this world such as medicine but I prefere logic than empiric information. With myths you are only follow people that said an invented story with faith and no reason.

  13. I believe that the best way of thinking is science by far. No one can discuss something that science has already proved. In contrast, in philosophy each person has its own way of thinking, so there is no a correct answer. Something similar happens with myth. Myths were stories that people invented using their imagination, so it's imposible to say that all those stories are true since no one can proof them. Philosophy and myths are much more related to faith, you can believe or not. And this is why I choose science as the best way of thinking, because all we know from this branch has been already investigated to let us know the truth.

  14. In my opinion, philosophy and science are both equally important and neither of them is better. We, as human beings, need different things for different aspects of our lives and without philosophy and science they would change drastically, so why choosing then? If you think about it a bit more you can see how choosing both is the way to go. Philosophy and science truly complete each other. Philosophy is really important because it is the mechanism we have always used to understand our surroundings. Nowadays, it gives us a different perspective of reality and helps us understand things that science can´t explain, it also gives us an idea of how the world works and how it should, among many others. On the other hand science is one of humanity's greatest achievements and it helps us understand everything very accurately. It also affects us positively because it improves our life in many ways, for example, medicine has improved and saved more lives than anyone can count and most of our current accommodations are thanks to science. Science is for sure one of the most useful things we have and it is making us evolve so fast, we are not yet aware of it. In conclusion, both, philosophy and science, are awesome, but why choosing one if together they are so much better? As the old saying says unity makes strength.

  15. In my opinion all these ways of thinking are very important and they have been very useful during our history. From my point of view the best way to see the life is science because you can check your own thuths and lies about it. It also allows you to create your own knowledge about what is right and wrong.
    Nowadays philosophy permtis us to arrive at logics and thoughts that science we can not arrive, but we can not prove it, we just have to believe it. People usually use this way of thinking to forget their problems.

  16. This question could be easily answered saying that science is the only way of thinking that proves and demonstrates how and why things happen.Nevertheless,myth, science and philosophy are more connected than we could imagine.
    It's obvious that philosophy and myth have always been closely linked to each other, but the thing is that philosophy has enabled us to develop our imagination and ability to reason, and as a result we've been able to come up with different theories which have been the base of science.Consquently,we could say that science would not exist if it was not for philosophy, so that's why they can be considered to be connected.
    Then, once science developed, theories and myths that were untrue could finally be refuted. Nowadays science still aims to prove myths right or wrong and surely will continue in the future.

  17. I don't really see science as a way of thinking because science itself talks about reality but there are many ways to interpret it. Yet there is only one reality so from my point of view science isn't a way of thinking. Between philosophy or myth, is like between rational thoughts and explanations that you can have your own way or an imposed unchangeable way. I'd rather choose philosophy because it gives reasons for their thoughts and philosophy tries to not contradict itself.

  18. In my opinion, I think science is the best way of thinking. Philosophy reflect and reason about concepts and ideas whose meaning is commonly taken for granted. He is a philosopher who defends or criticizes a thesis through arguments or reasoning while science uses evidence drawn from experiments to defend an idea or demonstrate something. A myth is a story invented by people, whose portagonistas are supernatural beings and commonly its author is anonymous while science tries to describe the real causes and mechanisms that provoke these phenomena.
    For this reason I believe that science is the best way of thinking, since before affirming something, it brings together valid and real proofs to demonstrate that reasoning.

    Alejandro Sánchez Ramos 1º Bachillerato Bilingüe

  19. Like it is said, we have studied in this unit different branches of ways of thinking.
    I have read that everyone wrote that science is the best way of thinking and I don`t think so.
    I don`t think science is a way of thinking. A way of thinking is something you think it is from your point of view and science it is not because is is demostrated so it a radical truth.
    Myths and magic as we studied are stories invented by our ancestors giving answers to aour questions, I think religion it is also like that because you can`t see anything, you only have to believe in what is said and that`s all.
    Going back to the branch of science, it also improves our knowledge because we can know a lot of things by giving proofs, not only saying it like what I talked before.
    Philosophy as a way of thinking I think it is the best because you can give answers from your point of view using theories and not contradicting yourself. That helps us in the improve of our knowledge and in our use of reasoning.

  20. Well, I have been thinking about it and I'll say that probably I will never decide which one is better for me, because there is no reason to choose one. However, if you ask me, and I answer without thinking I'll say science, becouse everything that exist is proved by it, but after thinking about it I'll say that I dont see science as a way of thinking becouse it just demostrates the reality and the truth so,there arent more possibilities, for example, if you ask a question, science will have 1 answer for you, but philosophy or myth, will give you many more possibilities, theories and probably another questions.
    Talking about myth, I'll say that nowadays myth isnt used as philosophy, but it is a very interesting way of thinking, I dont use it at all but I think is very interesting to study it. So,I'll say that philosophy is the best one, but I'll repeat that for me there isnt best or worst, I have different opinions and depend on the question I will choose one way of thinking or another.

  21. In my opinion, the best way of thinking is philosophy because it improvement human's lives and can change human ideas. But science also is importan because demonstrate how things are. Myth was useful at the past...

  22. I had never thought about this question but after a few minutes thinking about it I have chosen philosophy.
    The reason is that from my point of view science is not a way of thinking because it reflects reality and truth, secondly because myths were stories invented by our ancestors due to the lack of sources in the past and finally because philosophy aims to get to the root of the issues, give arguments and reasons and avoid contradictions.
